Bleeding Gums

Do your gums bleed during routine daily oral hygiene? Are you experiencing changes in the appearance of your gums?

Sometimes, bleeding gums are a temporary dental concern caused by recent mouth trauma. However, it is always important to be evaluated by a dentist before coming to any conclusions. Dr. Trushar Patel provides treatment options for patients with bleeding gums in Westborough, MA. Promptly treating gum disease in the early stages can help you avoid more complex concerns that can impact both oral and overall health.

In addition to gum disease, genetics, certain medical conditions, poor nutrition, and tobacco use are other risk factors that can cause the gums to bleed. When plaque has the opportunity to build up along your gum line and harden into tartar, it will develop into gum disease. Although bacteria can infect and inflame your gingival tissues, you can halt the infection from progressing.

Periodontitis treatment in Westborough MA

Stages of Periodontal Infection

The very earliest stage of gum disease is called gingivitis. When you have early periodontal disease, symptoms generally include:

  • Bleeding gum tissue during brushing and flossing
  • Tooth and gum sensitivity
  • Swollen, red, puffy gum tissue

A proper biannual dental cleaning and remaining consistent with your at-home dental self-care can make you one of the few that never even has gingivitis. If you do have gum disease, however, don’t panic. Periodontal disease is more serious, but still very treatable. Without prescribed treatment, your infection can turn into periodontitis (severe gum disease) which is the leading cause of adult tooth loss.

Treating Gum Disease

Dr. Patel can provide experienced, comprehensive care for all stages of gum disease. He screens for the early signs of gingivitis during all routine preventive care exams to help patients avoid advanced gum disease and other complex dental problems. After evaluating your oral health, Dr. Patel can create a personalized treatment plan to address symptoms of gum disease. He will take overall health, medical conditions, and lifestyle habits into account when creating this plan.

Treating gum disease can be as simple as the use of antibacterial rinses to reduce bacteria and as involved as oral surgery to remove and repair damaged tissue. Depending on your needs, we will recommend appropriate care and coordinate with specialists as necessary. The goal is to restore healthy gums that can serve as a support for long-term oral health and overall physical well-being.

Preventing Gum Disease

Diligent daily oral hygiene is essential if you want to avoid eventual tooth loss from severe gum disease. Brush your teeth every morning and night with fluoridated toothpaste. It is also important to floss daily, as removing plaque from in between your teeth and far down at the gum line is a job your toothbrush won’t be able to complete alone. To further decrease your risk of periodontal disease, do not use any form of tobacco or drink excessively. Both of these behaviors lead to a much higher risk of gum and tooth infections.

If you are genetically predisposed to periodontal disease, we will work with you to develop a personalized plan to minimize your risk. More frequent dental cleanings and the use of specific oral care products at home may be recommended to help you stabilize and maintain your dental health. Schedule a periodontal checkup today!

Bleeding Gums FAQs

Have any more questions about treating gum disease? Read on:

Is my toothbrush causing my gums to bleed?

It is possible. We recommend using a soft-bristled toothbrush to avoid irritating gums. A medium or firm/hard-bristled toothbrush may seem like it is cleaning your teeth better, but it can also lead to bleeding gums. Using a soft-bristle toothbrush twice a day is all that is needed to thoroughly clean your gums and teeth. Also, remember to change your toothbrush often and floss daily.

What is plaque?

Plaque is a clear substance made of harmful bacteria. It is soft and sticky and easily removed with regular teeth brushing. If it is not properly removed often, it can lead to gum irritation. Gum irritation from poor oral hygiene is known to cause bleeding gums. Plaque that remains on the teeth can harden into a substance called tartar and lead to tooth decay and gum disease.

Can stress cause my gums to bleed?

Stress is a known cause of inflammation in your blood vessels. Swelling soft mouth tissue can make your gums more susceptible to gum disease. Too much stress can make it difficult for your body to fight off an infection that is causing your gums to bleed. Also, stress often leads to bad habits such as eating poorly or not caring for your oral health properly.

Treat Signs of Gum Disease Today

Schedule a dental consultation with Dr. Patel on our website. If you are a new patient, call (508) 342-1519. Current patients can call Dr. Patel’s office at (508) 366-0550