Determining If You Are a Good Candidate for Dental Crowns

Even when speaking or smiling, having teeth that are not completely straight and white can make you feel self-conscious. That said, you might require a treatment that hides all of your dental imperfections and gives you a gorgeous smile.

A dental crown is a typical procedure that tops the native tooth to offer a restoration that looks natural. But is it really your best choice? Asking yourself if you have any of these dental issues will help you determine if you are a good candidate for dental crowns.

1. You Have a Broken Tooth

You might have fractured, cracked, or broken a tooth while participating in sports or as a result of a fall. Whatever the reason, if you don’t treat your injured tooth early on, you may experience a couple of inconveniences, such as an unequal bite. Your teeth may become more vulnerable to decay, cavities, and discoloration as a result of such dental damage.

To protect a tooth from these conditions, a cap is therefore necessary. A dental crown strengthens your tooth’s protective layer, increases your ability to bite, and makes your teeth seem better.

2. You Have a Large Dental Filling

In order to place a large dental filling on a broken tooth, a huge hole is often drilled in the middle of the molar. The procedure may make the tooth’s walls more brittle and breakable. A dental crown can completely encase the tooth, including the filling and the tooth’s wall.

We advise getting a dental crown with a substantial filling to strengthen the dental walls and guard the underlying natural tooth against future harm.

3. You Are Planning to Have a Root Canal

Your dentist will make a small hole in the interior of the tooth during root canal therapy to remove the contaminated material. The dentist will then use a substance similar to dental fillings to fill the hole. The significance of getting a dental crown after getting fillings has already been addressed.

After a root canal, a dental crown can protect the tooth and lower the risk of bacterial infection.

4. You Have a Missing Tooth

When you have a missing tooth, there is a space between your teeth that could eventually cause the teeth next to it to shift. A dental implant is the best way to fill gaps in your smile. The function of the missing teeth is restored by placing a dental crown on top of the dental implant.

A crown and an implant placed in the empty cavity lessen the possibility of bacterial growth there.

5. You Have a Discolored Tooth

Do your teeth contain stains, or are they discolored? If so, you can choose to have a good dentist whiten your teeth. A dental crown is an effective solution for one or two highly stained teeth if the teeth whitening procedure does not eradicate the stains. By simply capping the teeth, a dental crown can conceal significant tooth discoloration or stains.


Determining if you are a good candidate for dental crowns is a decision that should be made with the help of a qualified dental professional. Depending on the severity of your dental condition, crowns may be necessary to improve your overall oral health. If the cavity is too large, the tooth is cracked or broken, or the tooth is severely worn, a crown may be the best option. Additionally, if you have a tooth that has been treated with a root canal, a crown may be necessary to protect the tooth from further damage.

If you are planning to have dental crowns in Westborough, MA, look no further than our dental services here at Westborough Dental Associates. We offer a wide range of services that are sure to bring back your perfect smile. Call us today to book your first dental appointment with us